Stein der Geduld

Lajityyppi: Feature film / Trailer
Vuosi: 2011/2012
Kesto: 02:07 min
Kuvaus: Outside, war is raging but in the chamber all is quiet. A young Afghan woman is sitting next to her older husband who is severely injured and in a coma. She takes care of him, she prays for him hoping that he will recover. And she tells him about her fears, about her sorrows. He becomes her patience stone that she can confide everything to, that takes her burdens off of her. With emotions condensed in an intimate play style the film speaks up for Afghanistan's oppressed women.
Sisältölähde: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Rapid Eye Movies GmbH (Köln)
Ohjaaja: Atiq Rahimi
Language: de